सयोगकेवली An Omniscient With Activity of Mind Speech And Body
णव-केवल-लद्धुग्गम-सुजविय परमप्प-ववएसो।।१७।।SSu
असहाय-णाण-दंसण-सहिओ वि हु केवली हु जोएण।
जुत्तो त्ति सजोगो इदि, अणाइ-णिहणा-रिसे उत्तो।।१८।।SSu
ज्ञान-रवि अज्ञान नष्ट, किरणें केवल ज्ञान।
नौ केवल उपलब्धियाँ, परम आत्म का भान॥२.३२.१७.५६२॥
ज्ञान-दर्शन अर्थरहित, संयोग केवलि जान।
जिनआगम ने कहा उन्हें, सयोगी गुणस्थान॥२.३२.१८.५६३॥
केवलज्ञानरुपी सूर्य की किरणों से जिनका अज्ञान अंधकार सर्वथा नष्ट हो जाती है तथा नौ केवल उपलब्धियों के प्रकट हो जाने से जिन्हें परम आत्मा की संज्ञा प्राप्त हो जाती है, वे केवली और काय योग ये युक्त हो जाने के कारण सयोगी केवली ( तेरहवाँ गुणस्थान) जिन कहलाते है। (नौ उपलब्धियाँ – सम्यक्त्व, अनन्तज्ञान, अनन्तदर्शन, अनन्तसुख, अनन्तवीर्य, दान, लाभ, भोग व उपभोग)
The saints, whose darkness of ignorance has been totally annihilated by the rays of the sun of perfect knowledge and who has earned the little of paramatm (pure and perfect soul) on account of the appearance of nine attainments in his soul (i.e. attainments of 1. Perfect Right belief (Samyaktva), 2. Infinite knowledge (Anant-jnana), 3. Infinite conation (Anant Darshan), 4. Infinite bless (Anant sukha), 5. Infinite prowess (Anant virya), 6. Destructive or purified charity (Khayika-dan), 7. Destructive or purified gain (Kshayika-labha), 8. Destructive or purified enjoyment (Kshyika-bhog) and 9. Destructive or purified re-enjoyment (Kshayika-upabhog) are called ‘kevalis” (omniscient), due to there inherent attributes of (perfect) knowledge and perception which is quite independent of senses. They are also called vibrating pure and perfect souls (sayoga-kevalis) due to the continuance of their bodies; and they are called ‘Jinas’ due to their victory over (four) destructive karmas (named) knowledge obscuring obstructure-karmas). This has been so stated in ever lasting jain scriptrures (Jinagam).
(562 & 563)