आत्मा की ४७ शक्तियाँ Powers of Soul
- जीवत्व Jeevatva Shakti Due to this Shakti, a soul lived in the past, is living now, and shall live forever.
- चिती Consciousness. Due to this shakti, a soul never becomes non-living. A soul is Jeeva due to Jeevatva Shakti and the same does not become non-Jeeva due to Chiti Shakti.
- दर्शित Visualisation. Due to Drishi Shakti, a soul gets formless or general perception
- ज्ञान Knowledge. Due to Gyan Shakti, a soul has knowledge of shape, size and particularity.
- सुख Bliss. Due to this Shakti, a soul can have Anukulata (total freedom and timelessness).
- वीर्य Energy. Due to this Shakti, a soul is capable of creating and retaining its nature.
- प्रभुत्व Supermacy. Due to this Shakti, a soul is almighty (for itself), independent, indivisible, and capable of continued existence without any external help.
- विभूत्व All pervasive. Vibhutwa Shakti pervades in all the powers of a soul and because of it each power pervades in all other powers.
- सर्वदर्शित Omnivision. Sarva-Darshitva Shakti enables a soul to have general perception of all
- सर्वज्ञ Omniscient. Sarvagya Shakti enables a soul to have total knowledge of present past, and future of all the animate and in-animate objects in the cosmos.
- स्वच्छत्व शक्ति Cleanliness. All objects of the cosmos can be reflected in a soul due to the Swachhatwa Shakti.
- प्रकाश शक्ति Self illuminating power Due to this Shakti, a soul is capable of knowing the self and experiencing the self with full clarity.
- असंकुचित विकासत्व Unlimited expandable. Due to this Shakti, a soul can grow and develop unrestrained without limits of space and time.
- अकार्यकारणत्व Unrelated to other substance. AkaryaKaranatwa Shakti Due to this Shakti, a soul neither becomes a cause for change in others nor does any external object become a cause for change in a soul.
- परिणम्य परीणामकत्व Knowing each other. Parinamya-Parinamaktwa Shakti Due to this Shakti, a soul knows the self and others and also becomes an object of other’s knowledge.
- त्यागोपादान शून्यत्व complete in itself. Tyagopadan-Shunyatwa Shakti Due to this Shakti, a soul is complete in itself, i.e., it can neither add anything nor attribute in it nor can reject some part from it.
- अगुरुलगुत्व Constancy. Agurulaghutwa Shakti Due to this Shakti, a soul makes subtle changes in its forms without losing its attributes.
- उत्पाद व्यय ध्रौव्य Origination, Cessation and permanence. Utpada-Vyaya-Dhruvatwa Shakti Due to this Shakti, a soul has ability of maintaining itself the same substance with the creation of new forms and destruction of old forms.
- परीणाम Energy transformation. Parinama Shakti Due to this Shakti, a soul substance always remains the same soul substance (similar transactions) with the creation of new and destruction of old forms (dissimilar transactions).
- अमूर्तत्व Formlessness. Amurtatwa Shakti Due to this Shakti, a soul is invisible, a soul does not have taste, a soul cannot be touched, and a soul does not have any odor.
- अकृत्रत्व Not doer. Akartritwa Shakti, and Abhoktritwa Shakti A soul is non-doer of acts other than its own Gyan-Bhava (attributes belonging to soul).
- अभोगत्रत्व Unconsumed. Abhoktritwa Shakti A soul is non-bearer of acts other than its own Gyan-Bhava (attributes belonging to soul).
- निष्क्रियत्व Inaction. Nishkriyatwa Shakti Due to this Shakti, a soul is capable of staying without vibrations.
- नियतप्रदेशत्व Fixed space points. Niyatpradeshatwa Shakti Due to this Shakti, a soul always has same number of innumerable Pradesha .
- स्वधर्म व्यापकत्व Self pervasive. Swadharmavyapapakatwa Shakti Due to this Shakti, a soul confines in the soul itself.
- साधारण, असाधारण, साधारण-असाधारण धर्मत्व Ordinary, extraordinary, ordinary extra ordinary attributes. Sadharan-Asadharan- Sadharanasadharana Dharmatwa Shakti A soul has (a) some common attributes which are also found in other substances, (b) some special attributes which are exclusive to soul, and (c) some attributes which are found in some substances and not found in some other substances.
- अनन्त धर्मत्व शक्ति Infinite attributes. Due to this Shakti, a soul has infinite attributes.
- विरुद्ध धर्मत्व शक्ति Opposite attributes. Viruddh Dharmatwa Shakti Due to this Shakti, a soul can have attributes of opposite nature.
- तत्व Substance. Due to Tatwa Shakti, a soul has attributes of soul,
- अतत्व शक्ति due to Atatwa Shakti, it does not have attributes of other substances (non-soul).
- एकत्व Oneness. Due to Ekatwa Shakti, a soul always remains the same soul substance (Dravya).
- अनेकत्व Change of form. Due to Anekatwa Shakti, a soul assumes different states (forms) with time.
- भाव State. Due to Bhava Shakti, the present state in the present moment exists.
- अभाव Absence of state. Due to Abhava Shakti, there is an absence of states other than the present one in the present moment.
- भावाभाव Changing to new state. Due to Bhava-Abhava Shakti, the present form shall cease to exist in the next moment.
- अभावभाव Changing from present state. Due to Abhava-Bhava Shakti, a new form of a soul appears in the next moment.
- भाव भाव Definite state. Due to Bhava-Bhava Shakti, at a given instant, a soul assumes only that form which can occur as per definite rules.
- अभाव अभाव Non state. Due to Abhava-Abhava Shakti, at a given instant, a soul cannot have that form which can not occur as per definite rules.
- भाव Capacity to exist. Due to this Bhava Shakti, a soul is capable of existing. It may be noted that Bhava Shakti described at serial number 33 refers to the existence of the states of the soul whereas Bhava Shakti here refers to the existence of the soul Dravya itself.
- क्रिया Activity. Due to Kriya Shakti, a soul becomes capable of having the activity of creation of pure states of the soul.
- कर्म Action. Due to Karm Shakti, a soul becomes capable of receiving its own pure states.
- कृत्व Doer. Due to Kartritwa Shakti, a soul becomes the doer of its own pure states.
- करण Instrument to act. Due to Karan Shakti, a soul becomes the instrument for the creation of its own pure states.
- सम्प्रदान Creation of pure state. Due to Sampradan Shakti, the pure states in a soul are created for the soul.
- अपादान Own origination. Due to Apadan Shakti, the pure states in a soul come from the soul.
- अधिकरण basis for pure state. Due to Adhikaran Shakti, the pure states of a soul are based on the soul.
- सम्बन्ध self relation. Due to Sambandh Shakti, a soul is the owner of the self. Neither it owns others nor do others own the soul.